Essential Question: 1. What would you observe if you could travel through the human digestive tract? Due Today 15.2, 15.3, 15.4 Sheet Modeling Digestive System Lab Today’s Announcements 1. Holy Snow Days, Batman! I wasn’t here Thursday (Hope you enjoyed the Lesson-video I made) and Friday we had that Nemo blizzard! 2. I am after school today. 3. Working on rescheduling … [Read more...]
February 5th- Quiz/ Digestive System
Essential Question: 1. Why is carbon important in the flow of energy through the environment? Due Today Notes 15.1-15.5 Today’s Announcements 1. Happy Winter Carnival Week! Scarf Tuesday 2. The notes are for you- you are in charge of your own learning. If you feel that notes help you, please continue to do them. I am a guide to help you interpret information. Do Now … [Read more...]
February 4- Review for Quiz
Essential Question: 1. Why is carbon important in the flow of energy through the environment? Due Today Carbon Cycle Diagram Today’s Announcements 1. Happy Winter Carnival Week! 2. Quiz 4.5-4.7/ 4.14 and 4.15 due tomorrow Do Now What did you learn from the Carbon Cycle Diagram? Starred thought of the Day *Remember that your presence is a present. If … [Read more...]
February 1st- Carbon Cycle, Digestive System
Essential Question: 1. Why is carbon important in the flow of energy through the environment? Due Today Nothing Today’s Announcements 1. I will be blogging and updating via Twitter and Facebook, in addition to Edmodo. Do Now How has the carbon cycle been altered by humans? Class Activities We are moving on to the digestive system starting next week. … [Read more...]
January 31st- Carbon Cycle Diagram
Much of this information is the same as yesterday, as we are working on this project for the remainder of the week. This will seem like a duplicate post, but it serves as information for G, D, and B blocks, who had class today. Essential Question: 1. Why is carbon important in the flow of energy through the environment? Due Today Nothing Today’s Announcements 1. I will be … [Read more...]