Essential Question:
1. What would you observe if you could travel through the human digestive tract?
Due Today
15.2, 15.3, 15.4 Sheet
Modeling Digestive System Lab
Today’s Announcements
1. Holy Snow Days, Batman! I wasn’t here Thursday (Hope you enjoyed the Lesson-video I made) and Friday we had that Nemo blizzard!
2. I am after school today.
3. Working on rescheduling winter carnival events.
Do Now
*Everyone’s been through tough times. Remember that it made you stronger.*
Starred thought of the Day
*If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude.*
Class Activities
We uploaded our assignments on Richer Picture. The pictures were uploaded by Mr. Mullen to the K drive, under classes.
Each class went to the library and uploaded their assignments/ wrote their reflections. Any student who was absent/ was unable to finish is asked to finish these processes during flex time or a study hall.
Richer Picture Link-
Bring your textbook in on Tuesday