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Essential Question:
1. How efficient is the circulatory system in distributing materials to all cells in your body?
Due Today
16.1/16.2 & 16/3/16.4 sheets due on Monday for Extra Credit
Today’s Announcements
1. After School both Monday and Thursday this week.
2. Thursday is sustainability night from 6:30-8pm here at the school. Hope to see you here!
3. Quiz Chapter 16 on your double block day
Do Now
Compare and Contrast Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells.
Starred thought of the Day
*Accept what’s unchangeable. Change what’s unacceptable.*
Class Activities
Today was a project work day, to work on the project with your group, learning in the library, and continued work on our projects.
•Did every member do any homework that was assigned?
–If not, how will you catch up?
•What needs to get done today?
–Do you have time to review everything?
•Is anyone missing information?
–Go over presentation with group
You are designing an explanation of four understandings for your classmates, which are listed below. You can make any teaching aids you need to explain the 4 topics listed below.
Topics for Project
1. Compare and contrast arteries, veins and capillaries (section 16.1)
2. Explain how the four chambered heart circulates blood in mammals and how blood is kept
flowing in one direction throughout your body, include blood pressure in you explanation.
(section 16.1)
3. Compare and contrast red and white blood cells and describe how red blood cells are
specialized to transport oxygen (section 16.2)
4. Explain how blood clotting can be both beneficial and detrimental (section 16.3)
I’m looking at a few expectations during this project, including core values A3, B2, and E1.
A3- Articulate and defend ideas in a variety of formats and styles
B2- Work Cooperatively and Effectively with others
E1- Identify goals, set priorities and manage individual progress
The Plan
Your homework is to finish what you decide that you needed to finish to have your group prepared to teach everyone within the group on Monday.
On Tuesday, you will be presenting your project to other groups, who will be evaluating your effectiveness an an educator.
Project- On Tuesday, you’ll be presenting to your classmates!