Picture Courtesy of http://www.obgynspecialistspc.com/wha/wha_circ_art.htm
Essential Question:
1. How efficient is the circulatory system in distributing materials to all cells in your body?
Due Today
Any missing assignments on digestive system.
Notes 16.1—>16.4
Earthworm Dissection Laboratory
Today’s Announcements
1. There is no after school this week
2. Quiz moved tomorrow- you can use ANY handwritten notes.
Do Now
Compare and contrast the three types of blood vessels.
Starred thought of the Day
*Your mistakes should be your motivation, not your excuses.*
Class Activities
We completed review questions in class of the chapter 16.1 through 16.4 notes. Discussion topics are posted below.
1. What would happen to an individual with a problem on the right side of their heart?
This individual would be unable to get enough oxygen to efficiently continue cell respiration; ultimately resulting in death. Oxygen is used by the mitochondria in the synthesis of ATP.
2. Heart disease is a condition in which plaque builds up in arteries. How do you think this affects an organism?
Many outcomes can occur, similar to question #1. Additionally, arteries could rupture due to high blood pressure (same amount of liquid moving through a smaller “pipe.”
3. In a healthy individual, blood moves in one direction through the circulatory system.
True- Blood tends to move in a series of loops, but in one direction only. Starts with the Heart—>Arteries—> Capillaries—> Veins—> Back to Heart—>around again.
4. A person with dehydration would have issues with their blood.
True- Plasma is 90% water. Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells would be unable to “flow” if this water was missing from the plasma. This would result in inefficiencies of the circulatory system.
5. Red Blood Cells lose their nucleus so they can fight infection.
False- Trick question! Red Blood Cells do lose their nucleus, but they lose it to be filled with hemoglobin to carry oxygen. White blood cells fight infections in the body.
6. Mr. DeFuria has another scheme to take over the world. He injects an item into the blood stream which causes new red blood cells not keep their nucleus. What would be the short term and long term effects?
Short Term- New Red blood cells not filling with hemoglobin, older Red Blood Cells start to die. Person fatigued due to lack of oxygen getting to Mitochondria.
Long Term- Red blood cells not transporting oxygen; organism would die due to lack of oxygen to mitochondria throughout body.
Study for Chapter 15 quiz.
Complete missing assignments.