Essential Questions:
1. If you could shrink yourself small enough to travel inside different cell types, how would they be the same and different? cont.
2. Why is carbon important in the flow of energy through the environment?
Due Today
Carbon Cycle Game Questions
Today’s Announcements
1. I will still be providing copies of my notes; these copies. You may use these to study, but are unable to use my version of the notes on quizzes/tests.
2. I will be blogging and updating via Twitter and Facebook, in addition to Edmodo.
Class Activities
Today we finished the problem set we’ve been working on. Here are the questions we worked on.
1. The chloroplasts due a process known as cellular respiration
a) True
b) False- Chloroplasts due photosynthesis
2. Photosynthesis uses which reactants?
a) Sunlight
b) Oxygen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Sugar
e) water
3. Cellular Respiration uses which reactants?
a) ATP
b) ADP
c) Sugar
d) Water
e) Oxygen
4. Where is the energy stored in sugar molecules?
Energy is stored in the chemical bonds of sugar molecules.
5. Jan Van Helmont hypothesized that in order for a tree to grow and gain mass, it must find food somewhere else. He carefully weighed a tree and the soil that he wanted to plant the tree in. Time passed, and the tree grew. After five years, he reweighed the tree, which had grown quite large, and the soil. To his surprise, the soil weighed basically the same amount, suggesting to Jan that the plant couldn’t be gaining mass from the soil. If you were Jan, what would you do next to try to figure out what the plant was consuming for food?
Helmont should set up 3 experiments testing a) light versus nonlight, b) Carbon Dioxide versus Oxygen, and c) Water versus Nonwater
6. Photosynthesis produces which of the following products?
a) Sunlight
b) Oxygen
c) Carbon Dioxide
d) Sugar
e) water
7. Cellular Respiration produces which of the following products?
a) ATP
b) ADP
c) Sugar
d) Water
e) Oxygen
What’s missing? It also produces Carbon Dioxide!
8. Are plants more important to people, or are people more important to plants?
Plants are more important to people because plants are able to convert light energy into chemical energy. Without plants, food chains/webs would fall apart due to no ability of utilizing light energy directly.
9. Is it possible for cellular respiration to occur on the moon, with you sitting in your plain clothes? (no space ships/space suits)
a) yes
b) no- lack of oxygen
For homework tonight- 4.14 and 4.15 sheet
Handout today- Notes 4.5-4.7