Essential Question:
1. What would you observe if you could travel through the human digestive tract?
Due Today
Digestive System Project- Completed during vacation
Today’s Announcements
1. I will be here after school both today and Thursday, until 4 pm.
2. Grade Sheets will be distributed tomorrow.
Do Now
Describe the path that food takes through the digestive system. Include information about the chemicals produced by the liver, gall bladder, and pancreas.
Starred thought of the Day
*You can sleep and dream of what you want, or you can wake up and go get it; it’s your choice.*
Class Activities
Today was a notes day based on Chapter 16, which deals with the circulatory system. The notes covered Sections 16.1 through 16.3, and went from page 452 to 456.
We talked about taking good notes. We use bulleted notes in Biology- look for the main idea and write it down. It is usually in the first few sentences of paragraph. Once you have the main idea recorded, indent the bullet and record the supporting evidence. Do this for every paragraph.
An outline of the week
Monday- Notes, 16.1—> 16.4
Tuesday- Review Digestive System, Clickers
Wednesday- FF, CC- Earthworm Dissection
Thursday- GG, DD, BB- Earthworm Dissection
Friday- Quiz, All Blocks
Notes 16.1—> 16.4