Essential Question:
1. What does it take to move the parts of the human body?
Due Today
Suggested: Chapter 17.1 sheet/ 17.2 Sheet
Today’s Announcements
1. After school help Thursday.
2. We’re now in Term 4.
3. We’ll be using a homework packet for chapter 17, which will be do at the end of the unit.
Do Now
How does the excretory system maintain homeostasis?
Starred thought of the Day
*Don’t burn your bridges. Chances are, you’ll have to cross them again, someday.*
Class Activities
We continued our SMART Response review after talking about the “Do Now,” which was a point of concern on the Chapter 16 test.
The excretory system maintains homeostasis by maintaining concentrations of needed items in the body. The excretory system is made up of the kidneys, and works to filter blood and remove waste. Furthermore, the excretory system maintains the concentrations of glucose in the body. Urine is used as an indicator of diabetes, as it means the glucose is not being reabsorbed by the kidneys.
7. Muscles can only pull. Why does this mean skeletal muscles are found in pairs?
Muscles pull in one direction- they are in pairs so one can pull in one direction, and the opposite muscle pulls it in the other direction (we will be doing a lab about this later this week.)
8. Carbon Monoxide is a gas that binds with hemoglobin, but cannot be released. How would this affect an individual?
Carbon monoxide would bind to hemoglobin, but it doesn’t get released. This would lead to no gas exchange. Not enough oxygen would get to the heart, causing it to stop Cellular Respiration. Furthermore, too much Carbon Dioxide would build up, leading to acidic conditions.
9. Osteoblasts build bone from the outside of the bone, and osteoclasts destroy bone from the inside out. Why are these processes important?
Bones are “hollow”- they contain a spongy inside called bone marrow, which makes your blood cells. It’s important that bones only stay a certain weight, so that you can move them. Osteoblasts/osteoclasts help maintain the ideal weight of bones.
10. The breakdown of ligaments leads to arthritis.
a) True- Ligaments at joints can become worn, leading to inflammation and a difficulty in moving.
b) False