Essential Question:
1. How do chemical messengers help to maintain homeostasis in your body?
Due Today
Lab 17.2 (You can also get this to me Monday- didn’t realize you had so much other homework!)
Suggested: Chapter 17.1/17.2 & 17.3/17.4, 17.7/17.8 Sheets in Packet
Today’s Announcements
1. Work on your homework packet- don’t save it all for the last minute!
Do Now
Compare and Contrast the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system.
Starred thought of the Day
*Nothing in this life worth having comes easy.*
Class Activities
We worked on taking notes from chapter 17.7 and 17.8 from the textbook. For many classes, we worked together in class and put the notes on the SMARTboard. We are looking at hormones, and will see that hormones are slower responding but longer lasting than the nervous system.
We also talked about feedback loops in class, and i described it as being like a thermostat. Many hormones are regulated by feedback loops.
Lab 17.2 if you didn’t do it yet
Work on HW packet