Essential Question:
1. How does the nervous system coordinate movement?
Due Today
Suggested: Chapter 17.1/17.2 & 17.3/17.4 Sheet
Today’s Announcements
1. No after school help on Thursday- I won’t be here!
2. Work on your homework packet- don’t save it all for the last minute!
Do Now
What is the difference between a reflex and a reaction?
Starred thought of the Day
*Tomorrow’s version of you is going to want to kick today’s version of you for making them do all of the work.*
Class Activities
Today we worked on a lab that focused on reactions to certain stimulus’s- Lab 17.2. We came up with hypotheses about what sense would be quickest (Sight, Auditory (Hearing), or Tactile (Touch). We then tested this by using a meter stick.
The second part of the lab focused on finding the difference between different sets of neurons. You probably noticed that your hands have neurons spaced closer together than your neck or forehead. Basically, you have more touch receptors where it is important to have touch receptors (you’re probably thinking: that’s common sense. But we got to actually SEE it in class!)
Lab 17.2 Due Friday!
Work on HW packet