Essential Question:
1. What does it take to move the parts of the human body?
Due Today
Suggested: Chapter 17.1/17.2 Sheet
Today’s Announcements
1. After school help Thursday.
2. We’ll be using a homework packet for chapter 17, which will be do at the end of the unit.
Do Now
What does it mean to be voluntary versus involuntary when it comes to muscle groups?
Starred thought of the Day
*Your only competition is in the mirror.*
Class Activities
Today we focused on a laboratory where we built models of the arm to show that muscles only move in one direction (muscles only pull, they cannot push). We learned that the arm is made up of a pair of muscles (like all skeletal muscles in the body), and that the biceps pull, which causes you to flex, while the triceps pull, which causes you to extend.
The second half of the laboratory had to do with muscle fatigue. Your arms should have gotten tired after the clenching exercise- meaning that you were running low on ATP. The mitochondria had to regenerate ATP, which you could feel as your arm became less fatigued.
Homework- Lab 17.1 due Friday, April 12th, if you didn’t finish it in class.